March 25, 2024

How to Create a Great Welcome Booklet for Your Guests

March 25, 2024
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How to Create a Great Welcome Booklet for Your Guests

Raul Tomescu
CEO & Founder


With a well-crafted Welcome Booklet, you can enhance your guests' experience and achieve more success. But what should a Welcome Booklet include? Read the article below to find out, as I've gathered the most important information for you. Let's get started!

What Is a Welcome Booklet?

The Welcome Booklet is completely focused on making your guests feel that they are not missing out on any information. It is also a great way to welcome your guests, even if you are not there personally.

Therefore, it is important to take into account the city's characteristics, attractions and information when you create your Welcome Booklet. In addition to this, you should also include information about accommodation, which will make it easy to answer any questions your guests may have.

What Is Included in a Welcome Booklet?

A carefully crafted Welcome Booklet contains information to help you improve your guests' experience. Below is a list of what you should include in a Welcome Booklet.

Say Hello to Your Guests!

It is very important to pay attention to how you welcome your guests. An excellent Welcome Booklet will be good if you greet your guests properly, even if you are not present in person. In this case, it is recommended to create a more personalised welcome section in which you explain how pleased you are that your guests have chosen you. This will add to the experience of your guests.

A sofa in a holiday home.

Table of Contents

Unfortunately, few people read in detail these days, but it's important that your Welcome Booklet includes a table of contents to help your guests find their way around the information. In the table of contents, you actually summarise everything that is in the Welcome Booklet.

Arrival and Departure Information for Guests

In this section, you should summarise all the information your guests may find useful about their arrival and departure. In this section, you can explain where they can find the keys and other accessories they may need in the apartment. You can also describe where they should leave the keys when they leave, and how you want them to leave the apartment clean and tidy. In this section you are also advised to illustrate the important information with images.

Policies for Rental Properties

In the policy section, you should focus on the requirements or rules you have specified. This section can be used to mention cleaning requirements, guidelines, any parking information, Wi-Fi code.

You can also include your contact details and contact details of people to contact in case of emergency (broken pipes, electronic equipment failure, complaints). You should also include the exact hours you are available and the hours other people are available.

A kitchen in a holiday home.

What to Expect at the Accommodation?

I think it is important to point out that you should always mention what equipment the accommodation is furnished with. Your guests may have booked quickly and therefore not read the description in detail, but this is an excellent way to remind them.

How to?

It is also recommended to explain to your guests the tools defined in the previous section, i.e. how they can use them. Be sure to include the following tools, because their use may not be obvious to everyone:

✅ Washing machine

✅ Hair dryer

✅ A washing machine

✅ Jacuzzi

✅ Heater

✅ Smart television

✅ Other kitchen equipment.

Living room of a vacation home.

Exploring Activities, Bars, and Restaurants

For your foreign guests, but not only them, you could also have a section where you present the features, attractions and events of the location that they can also attend. If you can offer them an excellent program, you can increase the number of bookings and your guests will be more satisfied.

This section is a great place to mention different types of food or dishes that are specific to the location, so they will not only have a great experience with accommodation, but also a great gastronomic experience. It is also advisable to include information about the opening hours of the bars, for example, and their location.

Other Extra Information

In the other information section, you can summarise details about local public transport, for example, or what social networking sites you are on. This is really entirely up to you, but it is recommended that you offer something extra for your guests to make sure they have a memorable stay. In addition to all of this, you can also write down things that will make your guests' stay more welcoming.

Digital or Printed Welcome Booklet?

You may be wondering whether a digital or printed Welcome Booklet is a better choice. In my opinion, you should focus on both, as digital is downloadable everywhere, but printed can be a tangible memory for your guests.

Welcome Booklet - illustration.


In conclusion, a well-prepared Welcome Booklet can help you offer your guests an even better experience. It is important to write the information in detail and correctly, and it is recommended to use a high-quality design. If you feel you can't do it yourself, feel free to ask for professional help.

Frequently Asked Questions

❓ What should be included in a Welcome Booklet?

A Welcome Booklet should contain essential information such as arrival and departure details, accommodation amenities, local attractions, policies, and emergency contacts.

❓ Is it necessary to include a table of contents in the Welcome Booklet?

Yes, including a table of contents is crucial to help guests navigate through the information efficiently and find what they need easily.

❓ How should I handle arrival and departure information for guests?

Summarize key details such as key pickup locations, instructions for maintaining cleanliness, and any necessary images to illustrate important information.

❓ What policies should be outlined in the Welcome Booklet?

Policies regarding cleaning requirements, parking, Wi-Fi access, and emergency contact information should be clearly stated, along with availability hours for assistance.

❓ Should I offer a digital or printed Welcome Booklet?

Both options are beneficial; digital booklets are convenient for instant access, while printed booklets serve as tangible keepsakes for guests.

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