January 8, 2024
Case Studies

Gästehaus Juffer Flair saves 1749 euros in OTA fees with Visitor

Step-by-step guide on how to automatically generate ToC's on Webflow with <10 lines of code and no plugins.
Raul Tomescu
CEO & Founder

Key facts

  • 1749 euros in commission fees saved in half a year
  • 2x ROI just from the Own Website feature
  • Up to 5 hours of work saved per week

Gästehaus Juffer Flair is a small hotel located in a picturesque town in Germany. Like many small hotels, they struggled to drive direct bookings through their website and often had to rely on expensive online travel agencies to fill their rooms. These OTAs seemed to take a significant cut of their profits in the form of commission fees, leaving Gästehaus Juffer Flair somewhat frustrated.

The Solution: Visitor's Own Website Feature

That is, until they discovered Visitor's Own Website feature. After implementing this feature, Gästehaus Juffer Flair saw a significant increase in the number of direct bookings made through their website. In the first half year, they saved an impressive 1749 euros in commission fees that would have otherwise gone to the OTAs. This was a huge relief for the hotel, as it meant they could keep more of their hard-earned profits and invest them back into their business. In fact, the Own Website feature alone resulted in a 2x return on investment for Gästehaus Juffer Flair.

Increased Control and Improved Guest Experience

But the benefits of the Own Website feature didn't stop there. In addition to saving money, Gästehaus Juffer Flair also gained more control over their booking process. They were able to fully customize the look and feel of their booking page to match their brand and easily manage reservations and guest details directly through the Visitor platform. This gave them a greater sense of ownership over their business and allowed them to provide a more personalized and seamless guest experience. And with up to 5 hours of work saved per week, the hotel was able to redirect their efforts towards other important tasks and projects.

Integrated Front Desk System

One of the standout features of Visitor is the integrated Front Desk System. This system seamlessly connects the Own Website feature to the hotel's front desk operations, allowing staff to manage reservations, check-ins, and guest details with ease. The Front Desk System is user-friendly and intuitive, saving hotel staff valuable time and effort. With the Front Desk System, Gästehaus Juffer Flair has been able to streamline their front desk operations and provide an even more seamless experience for their guests.

Not only has the Front Desk System made life easier for the hotel staff, but it has also contributed to the overall success of the Own Website feature. The integration of the two systems allows for a smooth and cohesive booking process, which has likely contributed to the increase in direct bookings and ultimately, the 1749 euros in saved commission fees.


Overall, the Own Website feature and integrated Front Desk System have been a game-changer for Gästehaus Juffer Flair. They have saved money by reducing their reliance on OTAs, gained more control over their booking process, improved the guest experience, and streamlined their front desk operations. It's a win-win-win situation, and the hotel is grateful to have found such a helpful and effective solution.

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February 15, 2023

Gästehaus Juffer Flair saves 1749 euros in OTA fees with Visitor

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